HUBERT PARRY (1848-1918): Shulbrede Tunes, Theme and 19 Variations in D Minor, Hands across the Centuries, CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD (1852-1924): 24 Preludes Set I, Op. 163, 6 Characteristic Pieces, Op. 132, 24 Preludes Set II, Op. 179, 3 Rhapsodies, Op. 92, RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958): The Lake in the Mountains, 6 Little Pieces, Hymn Tune Prelude on “Song 12” (Orlando Gibbons), Suite in G, Chorale and Choral Prelude “Ach, bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ”.

Catalogue Number: 01V036

Label: Heritage

Reference: HTGCD 405

Format: CD reissue

Price: $43.98

Description: There is no competition for the Shulbrede Tunes (a 1914 set of ten miniatures intended to capture the mood of a disused country manor) and Theme and Variations on the 78-minute Parry disc and the Vaughan Williams pieces are rarely recorded. 4 CDs. Peter Jacobs (piano). Original 1993 Priory releases (Parry and Stanford) and 1982 Phoenix Records LP release (VW).


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