LOUIS DE CAIX D'HERVELOIS (c.1670-c.1750): 4 Suites de pièces pour la viole, Op. 3.

Catalogue Number: 01L021
Label: Ligia
Reference: Lidi 0301155-05
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: As we said back in August 2007 for an Arion release of this composer, "The last composer to write a work for bass viol, Hervelois is considered by scholars to represent the final, "degenerate" period of the genre. What does that mean? Virtuosity, striving for effect, brilliance and hypersensitivity. And what's wrong with that?" Only one piece on this 76 minute disc was contained on that previous one. Jean-Louis Charbonnier, Paul Rousseau (viols), Mauricio Buraglia (theorbo, lute), Pierre Trocellier (harpsichord).