FRANCISCO DE MADINA IGARZABAL (AITA MADINA) (1907-1972): 2 Toccatinas for Piano, Songs: Agur, Krixkitin Kraxkitin, Madalen, Ama ezkondu, Udaberri, Poz pozez, Basatxoritxo, Aitonaren esana, Seaska utsa, Aingery zurieder, JOSÉ GONZALO ZULAIKA (AITA DONOSTIA) (1886-1956): for Solo Piano: 3 Preludios vascos, Songs: Lua Lua, Atzo tun tun, Nik Baditut, Goizean goiz jeikirik, Urrundik ikusten dut, Nundik ator, Astoa?, Axuri beltxa, Baratzeko pikuak.

Catalogue Number: 01R056

Label: Capriccio

Reference: C5209

Format: CD

Price: $16.98

Description: A handful of songs and a bouquet of piano pieces from perhaps the two most famous Basque priest-composers (whom you’ll recognize from releases of their orchestral music in Claves’ long-running series). Donostia combined Basque folk music with French Impressionist techniques and Madina amplified the folk music aspects while following his colleague stylistically otherwise. Basque texts. Arantza Ezenarro (soprano), Juan Carlos Rodriguez (piano).


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