AURELIO BARRIOS Y MORALES (1880-1943): Symphony in F Minor, El ángel de la guarda, En el ocaso de la vida, Fugue in F Minor.
Catalogue Number: 01X001
Label: Sterling
Reference: CDA 1114-2
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Here’s one for those perhaps apocryphal blind-listening parties we used to refer to back in our record-store clerk days. This 42-minute, four-movement symphony was composed in 1913 but, from the sound, it could have been 1845. The main influences are Mendelssohn and Schumann although the waltz-tinge scherzo is sort of unusual. The four to five minute little pieces accompanying the symphony are nothing if not symphonic salon music. Now go amaze your friends! (Barrios was born in Zataclán, Puebla and apparently never left Mexico either for instruction or for performing.) Orquesta Sinfónica de Coyoacán Nueva Era A.C.; Rodrigo Elorduy.