FRANCISCO CORREA DE ARAUXO (1584-1654): Facultad Orgánica.

Catalogue Number: 02J016
Label: Almaviva
Reference: DS0104-06-2
Format: CD
Price: $50.98
No Longer Available
Description: 62 tientos and seven other organ works published in 1626, in order of ascending difficulty, ultimately requiring significant virtuosity, showing its composer as one of the main founders of the Baroque style in Spain. 6 CDs for the price of 3. José Enrique Ayarra (organs of the Monasteries of Santa Paula y San Clemente, of the Real Academia de Buenas Lettras, San Salvador Church, Iglesia Colegiata de Osuna, Royal Chapel of the Cathedral, all in Seville and the Parochial Church of Algo-donales, Cádiz).