JOHANN FRIEDRICH FASCH (1688-1758): Passio Jesu Christi "Brockes-Passion", FWV F:1, Overture in D Minor, FWV K:d5.

Catalogue Number: 02J030
Label: Naxos
Reference: 8.570326
Format: CD
Price: $11.98
Description: A 23-minute suite from Fasch's mature period which might have been commissioned by the Dresden court shares this disc with an earlier (c.1717-19) 48-minute setting of the same text also used by Handel, Mattheson and Telemann - a sequence of short recitatives and arias (a total of 30, so we do mean short) in a more overtly theatrical and sentimental vein than the much larger-scale Passions of Bach and Telemann. Texts and translations on-line. Zoltán Megyesi (tenor), Péter Cser (bass), Mária Zádori (soprano), Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis, Capella Savaria Baroque Orchestra; Mary Térey-Smith.