Musica Claromontana, Vol. 24 FRANCISZEK PERNECKHER (d.1769): Missa Nativitatis in F, Offertorium de Nativitate D.N.J. Christi, Harmonia Pastoralis, FRANCISZEK KOTTRITSCH (1727-1787): Aria Pastoralis in C "In hac anna", LUDWIK MAADER (18th cen.): Mazurka on the Christmas Carol "Tuszac pasterze", FIGULENTI (18th/19th cen.): Aria Pastoralis "Ride Jesule", KONSTANTY CZAJKOWSKI (19th cen.): Pastorella in D "Gloria in excelsis Deo".

Catalogue Number: 02J034

Label: Acte Préalable

Reference: AP0158

Format: CD

Price: $16.98

Description: Featuring Christmas music and including composers not necessarily associated with Jasna Góra, this new offering gives us both larger- and small-scale works of a marked naive and pastoral character. The drone of the peasants' bagpipe often appears imitated in the bass line and the overall effect is much like that of the better-known Czech pastoral masses. Capella Claromontana; Jan Tomasz Adamus.


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