STANISLAW MONIUSZKO (1819-1872): The Spinner, Oh, I Don't Know, If Somebody Loved Me Truly, Wilija, A Little Nightingale, What a Delightful Little Child!, Song of Ophelia and Hamlet, Prayer, Song at Dusk, A Dangerous Girl, Thyme, I Love You, Oh Mother, You're Gone, Tell Me, My Mummy, The Goldfish.

Catalogue Number: 02J052
Label: Acte Préalable
Reference: AP0173
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: Moniuszko's songs are more influenced by Russian vocal lyricism than by the German Romantic lied and their melodies are an interesting mixture of folk, popular and art song styles. Polish texts. Alicja Barbara Panek (mezzo), Elzbieta Tyszecka (piano).