PALLE MIKKELBORG (b.1941): Everything Matters, JØRGEN JERSILD (1913-2004): 10 Impromptus, VAGN HOLMBOE (1909-1996): Duo Concertato, Op. 167, HERMAN D. KOPPEL (1908-1998): Duo, Op. 116.

Catalogue Number: 02J100
Label: Dacapo
Reference: 8.226902
Format: CD
Price: $15.98
Description: Mikkelborg employs electronics and pre-recorded sounds to add a sonic aura and a virtual soundscape to a jazz-inflected, somewhat new-agey work, which alternates lively or wistful dances with ambient washes of sound reminiscent of Brian Eno or Harold Budd. Koppel's Duo is a dynamic dialogue between the two instruments, conventionally scored, tonal and satisfyingly brisk and succinct, framing a wistful slow movement between two fast ones. Jersild's little Impromptus are deceptively simple; even more straightforwardly tonal than the Koppel, they hark back to Baroque or classical models, spiced up with a little 20th-century dissonance. They explore a range of moods and characters, mostly in less than a minute each. The Holmboe is an attractive work, largely tonal, and with a distinct folk-like feel and a free, quasi-vocal lyricism in the central slow movement. Kim Sjøgren (violin), Lars Hannibal (guitar).