ISABEL MUNDRY (b.1963): Dufay-Bearbeitungen for Ensemble, Traces des Moments for String Trio, Clarinet and Accordeon, Sandschelifen for String Trio, Percussion and Piano.

Catalogue Number: 02J110

Label: Kairos

Reference: 0012642KAI

Format: CD

Price: $15.98

No Longer Available

Description: The juxtaposition of music of an earlier time with a contemporary composer's viewpoint has not infrequently been practiced in our time - juxtaposition, or commentary, rather than transcription into a contemporary style; obvious examples by frequent practitioners are provided by Hans Zender and Robin Holloway, among others. Now, Isabel Mundry presents Dufay's chansons and hymns more or less unadorned, but are overlain - sometimes simultaneously, sometimes sequentially - by interruptions in her own, Darmstadt-atonal idiom. Traces des moments explores similar layering of foreground and background, event and the space between events, but here all the material is the composer's own, dense and unapologetically atonal. Sandschleifen refers to a description of a picture; ten descriptions which underline the fact that the same picture can never be seen the same way twice; the music comments on the text as the text comments on the picture, progressively inviting solid images to be seen, or heard, as abstract shapes, distorting perspective and the listener's sense of foreground and background. Ensemble Recherche.


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