EDINO KRIEGER (b.1928): Piano Music - Sonatas Nos. 1 and 2, Sonatina, Nina, Prelúdio e Fuga, Choro Manhoso, Estudo Seresteiro, Estudos Intervalares.
Catalogue Number: 02R041
Label: Blue Griffin
Reference: BGR125
Format: CD
Price: $19.98
Description: Although Krieger studied with both Copland and Peter Mennin among others, the majority of his works are in a neo-classical style often making use of modality which suggests folk music even though he often didn’t use actual Brazilian folk material. All of these piano pieces fit this description to one extent or another and the early (1957) Sonatina actually sounds French in its first movement (Ravel). The slow movement Seresta, an homage to Villa-Lobos, the Prelude and Fugue and the Choro and Estudo Seresteiro are much indebted to Brazilian folk style while the only actual use of a folk-tune comes in the third of the “Intervallic Studies”. Alexandre Dossin (piano).