GIULIO RICORDI (1840-1912): Carnaval vénitien, Le bal de la Poupée, Le livre des Sérénades.

Catalogue Number: 03R036

Label: Brilliant Classics

Reference: 95158

Format: CD

Price: $7.98

Description: We first encountered Italy’s most famous music publisher as composer three years ago (05O047) with a disc of solo piano works. This new one contains 77 minutes of equally entertaining music full of memorable melodies and not lacking virtuoso demands in places. All are World Premiere Recordings with two of the three taking up 66 of the disc’s total time: a series of danses mignonnes from 1885 which include such items as “The Indestructable Babies’ Barn Dance” and Galop abracadabrant (!); and a 15-part series of Sérénades (1883) in the styles of geographical locations all over Europe as well as Arabia, China and India. Striking pedal effects are demanded in four of these which anticipate the timbric effects Schoenberg employed in his Op. 11 piano pieces from 1901. Gabriella Morelli, Giancarlo Simonacci (piano four hands).


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