LUDWIG THUILLE (1861-1907): Piano Quintet in E Flat, Op. 20, Piano Quintet in G Minor.

Catalogue Number: 04I005

Label: CPO

Reference: 777 090

Format: CD

Price: $15.98

Description: Dating from Thuille's student years, the early quintet (1880) is notable for the expected youthful Sturm und Drang - particularly obstreperous and wild in the first movement - while the later work, from 1897-1901, is, at 42 minutes, twice as long and includes a scherzo. The latter is a bit edgy and dark, the outer fast movements more broad and flowing than the youthful work and with a 15-minute slow movement with postitively Brucknerian gravity with a turbulent central section. Oliver Triendl (piano), Vogler Quartet.


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