ANTON BRUCKNER (1824-1896): Symphony No. 3 (ed. Peter Jan Marthé,/b.)
Catalogue Number: 04I057
Label: Preiser
Reference: PR 90715
Format: CD
Price: $35.98
Description: This sort of thing is tangential to what RI does but, when someone manages to fold all three versions of a Bruckner symphony (and, in this case, the newly composed 1876 adagio as well) into a Frankensteinish, 88-minute leviathan, records it live at the St. Florian Basilica and releases it under the title "Anton Bruckner Symphony III Reloaded", with notes horribly mistranslated in an English which will call to mind the hilarious Supraphon LP notes of the 60s and early 70s and which, among other highly diverting linguistic howlers, tell us that "...also within Bruckner's symphonies also the Beatles, Elvis, Jimmy Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Sting and above all HipHop are swinging..." - - - well, how could we not offer it? And, if you like it, there's a new Ninth with completed finale coming from the same source next month! 2 CDs. European Philharmonic Orchestra; Peter Jan Marthé.