KLAUS LANG (b.1971): Missa beati pauperes spiritu.

Catalogue Number: 04I102

Label: col legno

Reference: WWE 1CD 20271

Format: CD

Price: $19.98

No Longer Available

Description: Lang's Mass attempts a kind of transcendental mood through the use of evocative sonority. Sepulchral bass tonalities, gliding tones and subtle noise effects are drawn from the three low strings, percussion and live electronics; a voice intones texts from the Mass in the manner of plainchant, unadorned, as a preface or component of some sections. The allusions to chant and the evocation of bells suggests a link to liturgical tradition; the serious contemplative quality strays somewhat into New Age territory, with a sense of mysterious ritual, half-remembered, never explained. If Pärt is a bit too demonstrative for your meditative purposes, and more ascetic, less consonant textures strike you as more spiritually elevating, this will to fill your needs. Contains a PDF file of the composer's notebooks including his chant melodies. Pater Gerwig Romirer (cantor), Natalia Pschenitschnikova (voice), Roland Dahinden (trombone), Günter Meinhart (percussion), Trio RGB, IEM Graz (live electronics).


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