ALEXANDER TANSMAN (1897-1986): 5 Pieces for Violin and Orchestra, Violin Concerto, Suite Baroque for Chamber Orchestra.
Catalogue Number: 04K006
Label: Dux
Reference: 0639
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Not otherwise available on disc, these three neo-classical pieces by Tansman date from 1930 (the very bright and spiffy neo-baroque suite of 5 Pieces), 1937 (the full-length concerto of four movements which, true to the exact name of the style, reimagines the Classical/Romantic violin concerto right up to its alla zingaresca finale à la Wieniawski) and the later (1958) Suite Baroque whose slightly more up-to-date harmonies place its baroque formal inspiration in the 20th century. Bartosz Cajler (violin), Symphony Orchestra of the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic in Bialystok; Marcin Nalecz-Niesiolowski.