DÉODAT DE SÉVÉRAC (1872-1921): Piano Music, Vol. 2 - En vacances, Vols. 1 & 2, Baigneuses au soleil, Les naïades et le faune indiscret, Sous les lauriers roses.

Catalogue Number: 04N059
Label: Naxos
Reference: 8.572428
Format: CD
Price: $11.98
Description: Don't remember Vol. 1? That's because it's over eight years old (02F064)! In an idiom which combines Impressionism with pictorial late Romanticism, these pieces are also often suffused with the colors and fragrances of Provence and Catalonia, especially in the 1908 depictions of bathing girls lying in the sun (written for Cortot). The only larger-scale work here, the 14-minute fantasy Sous les lauriers roses (1919) whose alternate title is "Carnival Evening on the Catalan Coast". The En vacances suites are little Romantic character pieces suggesting Sévérac as a Provençal Schumann. Jordi Masó (piano).