WALTER NIEMANN (1876–1973) : Piano Music, Volume One. Der Artushof: Suite aus Alt-Danzig, Op. 158 (1941); Jura-Sommer: Kleine Impressionen, Op. 119 (1929)* ; Bunte Blumen: Sieben Klavierstücke, Op. 139 (publ. 1934)* ; Hamburg: Ein Zyklus von 13 Charakterstücken, Op. 107 (publ. 1926). Tomasz Kamieniak, piano.

Catalogue Number: 04Z011
Label: Toccata Classics
Reference: TOCC0484
Format: CD
Price: $20.98
Description: The largest part of the output of the Hamburg-born composer and writer Walter Niemann (1876–1973), a student of both Humperdinck and Reinecke, is piano music: an astonishing 1,000 or so pieces, divided into 189 opus numbers. Most of them are lyrical miniatures in a warm and approachable late-Romantic style, some evoking the music of the past. Occasionally, though, as in Hamburg, a recollection of scenes from his childhood, a degree of mild dissonance indicates his desire to stay true to his memories of growing up in a port city.