CARL MARIA VON WEBER (1786-1826): Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 2, 6 Pieces for Piano Duet, Op. 10, Sonata No. 1 in C, Op. 24.

Catalogue Number: 06O028
Label: Centaur
Reference: CRC 3231
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: This release is interesting not only for otherwise unavailable 6 Pieces (1807) - written for the amateur capabilities of two princesses of Württemberg - but for its instrument which was in the collection of the singer Ema Destinnová (Emmy Destinn) and which would have been available to Weber during his period in charge of the Estates Theatre in Prague. Duncan J. Cumming (c. 1815 Brodmann fortepiano), Christopher Hogwood (duet).