HANS ABRAHAMSEN (b.1952): Traumlieder for Piano Trio, BENT SØRENSEN (b.1958): Phantasmagoria for Piano Trio, PER NØRGÅRD (b.1932): Spell for Piano Trio.

Catalogue Number: 06O080

Label: Dacapo

Reference: 8.226108

Format: CD

Price: $16.98

Description: Sørensen's Phantasmagoria has a strange, evocative nocturnal quality, with suggestions of ambiguously pitched animal and bird noises claiming dominance over what sound like fragmentary, distorted echoes of half-forgotten salon music.Shadowy oscillations and glissandi cast shadows over fragmentary suggestions of conventional melody and harmony. The Abrahamsen is more conventionally written, but no less distinctive in style. The music has its foundations in tonality and Romanticism, but in an extended sense of the one and a heightened, delirious, febrile sense of the other. Even the movement called 'Blues' - recognisably such - has a nightmarish, opium-dream quality, and the 'Funeral March' is not a march so much as a depiction of the umbral catacombs that must have been the cortège's destination. Only the ethereal last movement - a thread of music-box melody surrounded by a luminous haze - finally dispels the darkness. Nørgård's piece consists of mutating cells - musical gestures, but functioning also as organic cells - of which details of volume, tempo and duration are left to interactions between the players, so the piece pulsates and evolves like cloud formations or living tissue, into an unpredictable but coherent musical organism. Trio con Brio Copenhagen.


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