Brazilian Piano Music
CHIQUINHA GONZAGA (1847-1935): Gaúcho, Suspiro, Atraente, ORIANO DE ALMEIDA (1921-2004): Valsa de Paris, from Prelúdios Potiguares: Polytheama, No Caminho do Sertão, MARLOS NOBRE (b.1939): from Ciclos Nordestinos: Cantiga, Frevo, ERNESTO NAZARETH (1863-1934): Odeon, Brejeiro, Faceira, Coraçao que sente, Apanhei-te cavaquinho, HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS (1887-1959): Valsa da Dor, Impressões Seresteiras, 4 pieces from Prole do Bebê No. 1.Catalogue Number: 06S094
Label: Sorel Classics
Reference: SC CD 010
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: About 18 minutes of music you’ve probably never heard before from both before and after Villa-Lobos, all of it surely entertaining but also serving to accentuate the latter’s exalted status as Brazilian composer par excellence. Grace Alves (piano).