Swedish Romantic Songs
ERIK GUSTAF GEIJER (1783-1847): The Flower Picker, Contention and Resolution, My Policy, The Little Knife Grinder, FRANZ BERWALD (1796-1868): Romance, Lebt wohl ihr Berge, Traum, A votre âge, En parcourant les doux climats, Den 4 Juli 1844 (Konung Oscar!), ADOLF FREDRIK LINDBLAD (1801-1878): Evening, Der schlummernde Amor, Would You Think? Indeed!, Swan-White's Song, Warning, Butterfly Orchid, The Marriage Proposal, In Old Age, Lullaby, A Summer's Day, Old Man by the Roadside, A Maiden's Morning Reflections, Journeying to the Wedding, AUGUST SÖDERMAN (1832-1876): The Maiden in the Rose Garden, The Maiden in the Garden, Sin, Death, Ich hab' im Traum geweinet, Im wunderschönen Monat Mai, The Maiden in the Forest, Ballade, Serenade, May Song.Catalogue Number: 07O047
Label: BIS
Reference: SACD-1867
Format: CD
Price: $19.98
Description: Those of you who collect Romantic Song will surely enjoy this new release since there is almost nothing by any of these composers currently available. Geijer and Lindblad mostly set their own poetry, the former's four songs have a bit of the larger-than-life caricature about them while Lindblad, considered the "Swedish Schubert" by his countrymen, is as tuneful and lyrical as that moniker might suggest, if not as profound. While these composers wrote for the salon, both Berwald and Söderman wrote for the recital hall and tend to be somewhat longer and a bit more musically complex. Swedish, German, French-English texts. Anne-Sofie von Otter (mezzo), Bengt Forsberg (piano).