MIKOLAJ ZIELENSKI (15??-16??): Offertoria et Communiones Totius Anni - 18 selections.

Catalogue Number: 08L014
Label: Dux
Reference: 0681
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Published (oddly enough) in Venice in 1611, this collection of 56 offertories, 63 communiones and a magnificat represent the total surviving œuvre of a composer considered by present-day Polish musicologists as Poland's equivalent to Schütz and Gabrieli. The offertories are 7- and 8-voice pieces in polychoral style, supported here both by organ and four trombones; the communiones vary from simple, single-voice works to ones for six voices. Emma Kirkby (soprano), Andrzej Bialko (organ), Capella Cracoviensis; Stanislaw Galonski.