KZ Musik - Encyclopedia of Music Composed in Concentration Camps (1933-1945) Vol. 4 - VIKTOR ULLMANN (1898-1944): Seeräuber-Ballade for Violin, 3 Lieder, 2 Chinesische Lieder, Wendla im Garten and Chansons des enfants françaises for Baritone and Piano, PAVEL HAAS (1899-1944): 4 Chinese Songs for Baritone and Piano, RUDOLF KAREL (1880-1945): 2 Songs for Baritone and Piano, Op. 41, Pankrac March and Waltz for Piano, Op. 42a and c, Pankrac Polka for Violin and Piano, Op. 42b, Pochod Höftlinku for Piano, ROBERT DAUBER (1922-1945): Serenata for Violin and Piano, HUGO LÖWENTHAL (1879-1943): Traditionelle Weisen für Pesach, Schwuos and Sukkot and Lieder für die Schawuoth Feiertage for Violin and Accordion.

Catalogue Number: 08L082

Label: KZ Music

Reference: 231787

Format: CD

Price: $23.98

No Longer Available

Description: This is not what you think it is. Yes, there are lots of Jewish composers from Poland, Germany and the Czech lands represented here but this Italian-produced series goes farther in including music composed by Allied prisoners-of-war (in Germany, Japan and Italy) as well as victims of Soviet prison camps and internees in Vichy France. You'll even find a whole disc devoted to Jean Martinon toward the end of this 24-disc series. Vol. 1 comes with an introductory book with 14 pages of English text; each of the individual remaining volumes has a booklet of from 48 to 88 pages with brief notes on the composer and his/her work in English, French, German, Italian and Hebrew with many photographs of camps and composers. Sung texts are given only in their original language. A lot of completely unknown material here, exhaustively researched and well-presented. Petr Matsuszek (baritone), Laura Aprile (violin), Francesco Lotoro (piano), Mario Mucitto (accordion).


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