JOSÉ ROLÓN (1876-1945): Piano Concerto, Op. 42, The Feast of the Dwarfs, Op. 30, SAMUEL ZYMAN (b.1956): Piano Concerto.

Catalogue Number: 09P004
Label: TYXart
Reference: TXA 13024
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Born in Zapotlán in Jalisco, Rolón studied in Paris (piano with Moszkowski and fugues and harmony with André Gedalge) from 1903-07 and later went back fro two years (1927-29) where he studied harmony with Boulanger and composition with Dukas. His concerto dates from this period, begun in 1928 and finished in 1935. Impressionist harmonies and the music of Ravel left their mark; while employing a style which includes typical Mexican folk music (especially in the finale), the orchestral sound-world is 1920s France. The slightly earlier "symphonic scherzo", originally a 1914 Scherzo of the Dwarfs which later became the third movement of Rolón's Symphony in E Minor (1923) and again later revised after a short story, uses three more traditionally recognizable Mexican folk songs. Zyman's neo-Romantic concerto, with its mix of virtuosity, rhythmic complexity and lyrical expressiveness may sound anachronistcally "old" compared to the Rolón. Claudia Corona (piano), Nuremberg Symphony; Gregor Bühl.