HANS PETER TÜRK (b.1940): Siebenbürgische Passionsmusik für den Karfreitag nach dem Evangelisten Matthäus for Chorus, Solo Voices and Organ.
Catalogue Number: 10L090
Label: MD&G
Reference: 902 1554-6
Format: CD
Price: $19.98
Description: The three parts of Türk's "Transylvanian Passion Music for Good Friday after St. Matthew" correspond to the tripartite panels of pre-Reformation altar-pieces in Translyvanian village churches. Using an expressive palette which ranges from early medieval polyphony through the formal and figural language of the Baroque to modern sharp dissonances and aleatory techniques, Türk has produced a stark, vivid and riveting Passion which seems to knit together resonances from hundreds of years of musical history. German texts. Andreas Petzoldt (tenor), Matthias Weichert, Reinhard Decker, Nikolaus Krause (basses), Claudia Zohm (soprano), Ursula Philippi (1904 Sauer organ of Burgstadt Stadtkirche), Meißner Kantorei 1961; Christfried Brödel.