DAVID RAKOWSKI (b.1958): Études, Vol. 3 - Nos. 42, 44, 45, 49 & 51-70.
Catalogue Number: 10L100
Label: Bridge
Reference: 9310
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: More of Rakowski's etudes which combine Haydn's surface playfulness and sense of humor with a depth of intellect, creating music that is subtle, richly complex and teeming with ideas. Covering a wide range of expressivity, from viscerally powerful to slower and delicately nuanced, Rakowski combines technical challenges and geniune musicality in a series of works which should appeal to any piano collector. And, of course, there are the titles, e.g. "Eight Misbehavin'", "Pedal to the Metal", "Stutter Stab", "Chord Shark", "Absofunkinlutely"... Amy Briggs (piano).