SANJA DRAKULIĆ (b.1963) : Rhapsody, concerto for piano and orchestra (Simfonijski orkestar Černjigovske filharmonije (Ukrajina) | Mikola Sukač, dirigent | Sanja Drakulić, klavir), Music for Organ, Trumpet, Violin, Viola and Violoncello (Kiril Umanski, orgulje | Ilya Ferapontov, trublja | Ekatarina Serebryanskaya, violina | Marina Sudzilovskaya, viola | Sergei Sudzilovsky, violončelo), The Winds On St.George's Hill, za flautu solo i oktet duhačkih instrumenata (Komorni orkestar SPOHV | Zoran Juranić, dirigent | Manuela Kovarnik, flauta), Suburb & City, for piano 4 hands (Beata Pincetić | Christos Sakellaridis, piano), Face to Face, for string orchestra (Ansambl Camerata Nordica), Apple of Discord, concerto for harp and chamber orchestra (Cantus Ansambl | Mirjana Franić, flauta), Oasis, concerto for piano and orchestra (Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a | Paul MacAlindin, dirigent | Sanja Drakulić, klavir), Wattle, for piano solo (Pavica Gvozdić, piano), Jason and Medea, ballet suite for accordion orchestra and timpani (Harmonikaški orkestar Stanko Mihovilić | Damir Bužleta, dirigent), Pledges, for winds, strings and piano (Ansambl Barcelona 216), United We Stand, Divided We Fall, for two pianos (Klavirski duo KRASNITSKY). 2CDs

Catalogue Number: 10Z023
Label: Cantus (Croatia)
Reference: 98898499752
Format: CD
Price: $10.98
Description: The creativity of Sanja Drakulić opened new vistas of contemporary musical life by the energetic gesture of her powerful creative potential. This representative of the first generation of young composers of the new Croatia, having painfully survived the dramatic events of the disintegration of Yugoslavia, barely entered a period of artistic maturity, already became the author of over a hundred compositions of all genres of contemporary music, from large scale theatrical compositions - opera and ballet, symphonies, concertos, oratorios and choirs to chamber-instrumental compositions for various ensembles, solo instrumental and vocal compositions and electronic music. This double CD includes chamber and symphonic music, written by composer Sanja Drakulić in different periods and for various performers. 2CDs