MICHAL KLEOFAS OGINSKI (1765-1833): 24 Polonaises.

Catalogue Number: 11K035

Label: Acte Préalable

Reference: AP0177

Format: CD

Price: $16.98

Description: This soldier and statesman is best known musically for his 20 or so polonaises which were published in 1801. Embodying the longing and nostalgia of the exile, even the major key polonaises are predominantly melancholy and they had a significant influence on fellow Polish composers Elsner, Szymanowska and Kurpinski. We offered a disc of Oginski a year ago this month (11J038) with 17 of these polonaises and other dances, performed on harpsichord. This disc is all polonaises (thus 8 more) and is played on an Estonia grand piano by a direct descendant of the composer (Oginski's daughter married Count Karol Zaluski). Iwo Zaluski (piano).


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