VINCENT D'INDY (1851-1931): Piano Works, Vol. 3 - 3 romances sans paroles, Op. 1, 4 pièces, Op. 16, Helvetia, Op. 17, Nocturne, Op. 26, Promenade, Op. 27, Schumanniana, Op. 30, Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn, Op. 65, Contes de fées, Op. 86, 8 paraphrases sur des chansons enfantines de France, Op. 95.

Catalogue Number: 11M052
Label: Genuin
Reference: GEN 10178
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Two-thirds of this disc are taken up by delightful trifles - little pieces full of feeling, humor, homage to Schumann: the sorts of things which a master can produce when he is not writing for posterity and which are instantly winning in their appeal. The two late suites, from 1926 and 1929, are full of hidden musical asides and references (again, sometimes, to Schumann, sometimes to Impressionism and the more decadent post-Impressionism then burgeoning) which the notes are careful to highlight for us. Michael Schäfer (piano).