EMIL SJÖGREN (1853-1918): Mélodies "Holder du af mig" and "Det første Mødes Sødme", Dikter av Ibsen och Bjørnson, Op. 1, Nos. 1, 2 & 4, 7 sånger av Holder Drachmanns Tannäuser, Op. 3, Vug, o Vove, 4 dikter av Ernst von der Recke, Op. 11, 6 Lieder auf Julius Wolff's Tannhäuser, Op. 12, 4 dikter av Ernest von der Recke, Op. 13.

Catalogue Number: 11M053
Label: Sterling
Reference: CDA 1669-2
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Sjögren was the pioneer of emotion and feeling for sound in Swedish song - or, to be more brief, Romanticism. He was the model for Peterson-Berger, Stenhammar and Alfvén but also for the earlier generations of the 20th century. Not a single Swedish text is to be found, though, in these early songs (all dating from 1873-84) since the lyricism and emotionalism he needed for creating did not exist for some decades, Swedish poets, as Sjögren put it, being "only concerned with social issues and these arenot at all sutied to being set to music". Norwegian, German-English texts. Katarina Pilotti (soprano), Kristina Balstedt Tyrenius (piano).