CHARLES MARTIN LOEFFLER (1861-1935): 5 Songs for Voice, Viola and Piano, 2 Rhapsodies for Oboe, Viola and Piano, GABRIEL PIERNÉ (1863-1937): Sonata da camera for Flute, Cello and Piano, Op. 48, MAURICE DURUFLÉ (1902-1986): Prélude, Récitatif et Variations for Flute, Viola and Piano, Op. 3.

Catalogue Number: 11M055
Label: Champs Hill
Reference: CHRCD010
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: Loeffler's 1894 songs were not published until 1988; they show every aspect of his expressive range, from a sumptuous waltz to witty irony and the voice performs with the viola like a duo. The two Rhapsodies started life as songs and their grisly imagery, akin to Ravel's Le Gibet, is audible in brilliantly conceived sound effects. Pierné's work (1927) is pellucid in scoring and elegiac in feeling with Debussian touches as well as some polytonality and deft counterpoint. Duruflé's piece, from the following year, is a memorial which begins in grief-stricken manner, rises to a passionate climax and then goes into the variations which are developed with much contrapuntal skill. French-English texts. William Dazeley (baritone), London Conchord Ensemble. Original 2002 ASV release (11E011).