LUDOMIR RÓZYCKI (1884-1953): Rhapsody for Piano Trio, Op. 33, ANDRZEJ PANUFNIK (1914-1991): Piano Trio, HANNA KULENTY (b.1961): A Cradle Song, BERNARD CHMIELARZ (b.1958): Piano Trio.

Catalogue Number: 11M067
Label: Dux
Reference: 0537
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Being Polish and from the 20th century seems to be all that unites these piano trios - that and the fact that they're all tonal. Rozycki's 12-minute piece was a student work which was published later (1913) and is a good example of the impassioned young Romantic man, building to several emotional climaxes and then winding down until the next. Panufnik's 17-minute trio is the work of a 20-year-old, utterly tonal yet not post-Romantic and easy to enjoy. Kulenty's is an 11-minute lament for a lost baby, moving from grief to anger to acceptance; Chmielarz' 2002 three-movement work refers to the tango in the first movement while other highly rhythmic folk material underpins the other two. Varsovia Piano Trio.