YIANNIS KONSTANTINIDIS (1903-1984): 23 pieces from 44 Miniatures on Original Greek Folk-tunes, 8 Greek Island Dances, 5 pieces from 22 Dodecanese Songs and Dances, MANOLIS KALOMIRIS (1883-1962): Nocturne, MANOS HADJIDAKIS (1925-1994): 3 pieces from Ionian Suite, 3 pieces from For a Little White Seashell, 3 pieces from 6 Folklore Paintings, MIKIS THEODORAKIS (b.1925): Prelude No. 1, Zorba's Dance, Andante mosso from Petite Suite, JOHN PSATHAS (b.1966): Waiting for the Aeroplane.

Catalogue Number: 11M073

Label: MSR Classics

Reference: CMS 1381

Format: CD

Price: $12.98

No Longer Available

Description: 77 minutes of Greek piano music, heavily weighted toward folk songs and, thus, miniatures, with Kalomiris' richly elaborated Romanticism and Psathas' bright but tonal modern piece standing out (the latter wrote much of the ceremonial music for the 2004 Olympics in Athens). Dino Mastroyiannis (piano).


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