SALVADOR PUEYO (b.1935): Simfonia barroca (Camerata de France; Daniel Tosi), Wind Quintet (City of Barcelona Wind Quintet), Quintet for 2 Violins, Viola, Cor Anglais, Bassoon with Harpsichord (Grup Bartók, M. Ll. Cortada [harpsichord), Fantasia Trio for String Trio (Quartet Sonor).

Catalogue Number: 11M087
Label: Picap
Reference: 910638-02
Format: CD
Price: $13.98
Description: The Simfonia barrocca is 'Baroque' in the sense that it borrows some devices from the Baroque - fugues, canons, rondo form - in what is basically a robust, tonal, neoclassical piece in three succinct, concentrated movements. The rather austere, earlier quintet is an essay in largely atonal counterpoint, lines delineated in terms of the timbre of the instruments. The later quintet for mixed forces, like the Simfonia, borrows devices from the baroque; here the austerity is tempered by the presence of tonal centers and a suggestion of modality that lends the polyphonic writing an archaic feel; aspects of the Renaissance madrigal transcribed for a kind of neo-baroque ensemble (with harpsichord and bassoon continuo and three melody instruments) captures some sense of the unusual texture of the music. The string trio also admits some sense of tonality, largely of a non-functional, harmonic flavor, with striking use of mild dissonance and some unusual instrumental textures.