SALVADOR BROTONS (b.1959): Piano Trio, Op. 39, Cello Sonata, Op. 19, Viola Sonata, Op. 28, Piano Quartet in E, Op 48 "A Celebration of Living".

Catalogue Number: 11M095

Label: Picap

Reference: 90 0064-3

Format: CD

Price: $17.98

No Longer Available

Description: These attractive and accessible works exude a certain familiarity of style, while remaining free of too obvious stylistic influences from more 'mainstream' composers. One can certainly detect similarities to Shostakovich in the slow movements of the trio, the quartet and the viola sonata, or Prokofiev in that of the cello sonata, and a certain mechanistic propulsiveness overlaid with searching melodic lines in the energetic finales of the pieces may derive from that source, or perhaps obliquely from a kind of minimalism - but in all cases the influences are so thoroughly absorbed by this much-travelled, cosmopolitan composer that the style ends up very much his own. The trio and quartet were written in the USA, and some elements of American vernacular (highly stylized and very sophisticated, à la Bolcom) are also intermittently detectable in the composer's distinctive tonal but by no means harmonically unadventurous vocabulary. Leopold Piano Quartet.


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