ALBERT GUINOVART (b.1962): Concerto for Piano and Cobla on Themes of Mar i Cel, MANUEL OLTRA (b.1922): Rapsòdia for Piano and Cobla, MANUEL CAMP (b.1950ish): Coratge for Piano and Cobla, JOAN LLUÍS MORALEDA (b.1943): Nocturn a Ribes-Roges, GEORGE GERSHWIN (1898-1937): Rhapsody in Blue (arr. Bernat Castillejo).

Catalogue Number: 11M098

Label: Picap

Reference: 900099

Format: CD

Price: $17.98

No Longer Available

Description: Truly authentic Catalonian music featuring the traditional Catalonian music ensemble, the cobla: a flabiol (three-holed flute, played with the left hand while the right plays a tamborí, a small drum), two tibles (like a larger and louder oboe), two tenores (larger version of the tibles), two trumpets, two horns, trombone and double bass. Needless to say, the original works here (from the 1990s save for Oltra's 1952 Rapsòdia) don't suggest or evoke Catalonian popular styles - they embody it, much as Piazzolla's chamber-sized accompaniments add a dash of "art music" to the popular Buenos Airean Tango. Albert Guinovart (piano), Manuel Camp (piano - Coratge), Cobla Mediterrània; Manuel Oltra, Manuel Camp (Coratge).


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