Husum Festival 2009
EGON KORNAUTH (1891-1959): Fantasie in E Flat Minor, Op. 10 (Jonathan Powell), SAMUIL FEINBERG (1890-1962): Sonata No. 2, Op. 2 (Nina Tichman), THEODOR LESCHETIZKY (1830-1915): Meditation, Op. 19/1 "La Mélusine", Hommage à Czerny, Op. 46/5 "Toccata" (Hubert Rutkowski), GABRIEL PIERNÉ (1863-1937): Nocturne en forme de valse, Op. 40/2 (Artur Pizarro), ARNOLD BAX (1883-1953): What the Minstrel Told Us (Denis Pascal), FRANCIS POULENC (1899-1963): Aubade (Jonathan Plowright), ELIANE RODRIGUES (b.1959): Momentos musicais Nos. 11 "Carrossel" and 12 "Miudinho" (Eliane Rodrigues), ERWIN SCHULHOFF (1894-1942): Sonata No. 1 (Janice Weber).
Catalogue Number: 11M099
Label: Danacord
Reference: DACOCD 699
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: Leading the way here are the Austrian Kornauth's 13-minute Fantasie of 1912-15, a lyrical work which leans more toward Korngold and Franz Schmidt (one of Kornauth's teachers) than to Schreker (another of his teachers); also of interest is Ravel's own single-piano version of his 1929 Aubade for piano and 18 instruments.