AVET TERTERIAN (1929-1994): Symphony No. 3, GIYA KANCHELI (b.1935): Symphony No. 3, RICHARD STRAUSS (1864-1949): Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, Op. 28, Don Juan, Op. 20, Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40.

Catalogue Number: 11S009

Label: CuGate Classics

Reference: CGC 005

Format: CD reissue

Price: $24.98

Description: High quality remasterings of seminal recordings by the doyen of Georgian conductors. Kancheli's 1973 symphony is typical of the composer's output of the time; built of blocks of material of the greatest possible contrast in dynamics and character. Melancholy phrases of melody with the contour of Georgian folksong and a sombre, liturgical nature, underpinned by ominous ticking or a halo of dissonance are abruptly juxtaposed with strident, warlike brassy chords. This conflict develops into a fully-fledged battle sequence, after which the 'new spirituality' regains the ascendent, though now with a suggestion of residual pain and ambiguity. Terterian's symphony from 1975 draws on the traditional music of his native Armenia, though in a manner that has very little in common with the technicolor opulence of Khachaturian. Long, microtonally inflected emulations of archaic, ritualistic horn calls, drones and vocal and instrumental techniques alternate with explosive outbursts of the utmost primitivism, tribal drumming and raucous, blaring noise, equal to the wildest excesses of Polish sonorism. Unsurprisingly, this provocative, if fascinating and thrilling score was very badly received in the USSR at the time of its premiere. 2 CDs. Tblisi Symphony Orchestra; Djansug Kakhidze.


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