GIOVANNI ROVETTA (1596-1668): Messe pour La naissance de Louis XIV.

Catalogue Number: 11S011
Label: Alpha
Reference: 965
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: A solemn mass composed for four days of celebrations in Venice of Louis XIV’s birth in 1638 by Monteverdi’s deputy maestro di cappella at San Marco. Never sung again since its first performance, it was reconstructed by Benjamin Chénier in 2015 for the tercentenary of Louis’ death. It is a grandiose, typically Venetian work, with all the splendour appropriate to the spirit of La Serenissima Repubblica. Chantal Sainton, Stéphanie Révidat (sopranos), Jean-Christophe Clair, Yann Rolland (altos), Vincent Boucot, Martial Pauliat (tenors), Renaud Delaigue, Igor Bouin (basses), Galilei Consort; Benjamin Chénier.